Emergency Alert System

Text, Email and Phone Alerts


麻豆传媒映画出品 is committed to your safety.

One of the methods 麻豆传媒映画出品 uses for emergency notifications is our Emergency Alert Stytem. This enables 麻豆传媒映画出品 to reach the university community by quickly sending multiple contact points. 

The emergency alert system will send phone calls (cell and/or other listed number), email (southeastern.edu email address) and text messages (cell phone number on file) simultaneously. 

All students, faculty and staff are automatically signed up with their southeastern.edu email account and the cell phone number on file in Peoplesoft or Workday. There is no cost to users for this service; however, mobile phone users will pay their wireless provider the normal rates for cell and text message usage. Users who do not want to receive text (SMS) messages from the university through this service must opt-out of the system.

The system is tested several times during the academic year.