Sociology and Criminal Justice

Our classes offer faculty-student ratios that allow students' interests to be addressed through interaction with professors. We emphasize critical and analytical skills and effective communication to resolve conflicts and promote social justice.

The Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice emphasizes an interdisciplinary understanding of socio-economic, cultural, institutional and physical environments. Our programs prepare students for citizenship by encouraging them to understand, tolerate and respect the vast array of cultural and intellectual differences found throughout the world.


  • Offering a master鈥檚 degree in applied sociology,bachelor鈥檚 degrees in Sociology and Criminal Justice, and minors in Sociology, Criminal Justice, Anthropology, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, and Geography.
  • Online Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice for distance learners.
  • Eleven tenured or tenure-track faculty with research and publication experience in their areas of expertise. 
  • Internships available to gain hands-on experience in the field.
  • Opportunities for undergraduate student researchf. Study abroad and study away programs broaden student understanding of the curriculum. 




Department Updates


2023 Newsletter



 lead talk


lead talk


  lead talk


echols and davis flyer




The Lavender Lions meet every other Monday from 5 until 7pm in Student Union Room 2207


    c dumas

Cameron Dumas presents the latest findings on race, class, and incarceration in Louisiana at the ULL Undergraduate Research Conference


25 Year Service Award: Russell A. Castro

russell castro

Since Convocation was cancelled for Fall 2021, Mr. Russell Castro (center with plaque) was presented his 25 year Service Award by Dr. Kenneth H. Bolton, Jr., Dept Head, SOC & CJ, with other faculty members present.  September 29, 2021.